Membership Number: 287666

APLUS NDT SERVICES has officially become part of the ASNT Corporate Membership, ASNT (The American Society For Nondestructive Testing) is one of largest institutions that has about thousand members around the world.ndt coaching center in coimbatore
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is the world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals, ASNT membership is a recognition of Our commitment to advancing knowledge, enhancing our improvement and improving the profession and technologies of nondestructive testing to create a safer world.ndt coaching center in coimbatore
With pride and responsibility, we always strive to provide the best services as per international standards in accordance with the requirements of the industry.ndt coaching center in coimbatore
Certificate Number: 1016LYW0375

Accordance with the agenda year of 2015, APLUS NDT SERVICES has completed an audit in the implementation of the Quality Management System based on ISO 9001: 2015 ndt coaching center in coimbatore
ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement). It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001.ndt coaching center in coimbatore
This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. These principles are explained in more detail in the pdf Quality Management Principles. Using ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.ndt coaching center in coimbatore
UAN Number: TN03D0016699

The Government of India, in exercise of the powers conferred in subsection (2) of section 8 of the MSMED Act 2006, and in supersession of the notification numbers S.O 1643(E) dated the 29th September 2006, specifies that every Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise shall file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) in the form appended to the notification 18.09.2015 and follow the procedure for filing of the UAM.ndt coaching center in coimbatore

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry. Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today. ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASHRE) founded in 1904.ndt coaching center in coimbatore